Job Title: Assistant Secretary Job Qualifications Job RequirementsAge: Knowledge of ICT: Conditions of Service Application Instructions: The application deadline is 13th…
Job Title: Confidential Secretary Job Qualifications Job RequirementsAge: Knowledge of ICT: Conditions of Service Application Instructions: The application deadline is 13th…
Job Title: Cashier / Inventory Officer Job Description Responsibilities Qualifications SalaryN100,000 per month. Application Instructions: The application deadline is Not…
Job Title: Partnership Inventory Dispatch Officer (PIDO) Job Summary Key ResponsibilitiesDispatch/Distribution Operations: Partnership Coordination: Inventory Management: Documentation and Reporting: Problem…
Job Title: Solar Technical Officer Job Overview Main Duties / ResponsibilitiesProduct Design and Development: Installation and Repairs: Qualifications Experience: Application…
Job Title: Sales Officer Job Description ResponsibilitiesSales / Marketing: Record Keeping: Market / Product Research: Customer Service/Relations: Requirements / Skills…
Job Title: Engineering Project Constructions Staff – ECOWAS Boards Overview Here are some engineering projects that the Economic Community of…
Job Title: Directorates of Budget and Boarder Financing Manager – ECOWAS (Finance Manager) Job Description ResponsibilitiesBudget Planning and Forecasting: Financial…
Job Title: Branch Leader Duties & Responsibilities Requirements Application Instructions: The application deadline is on 22nd December, 2024.. Qualified and interested…
Job Title: Relationship Manager (Commercial and Retail Banking) Duties & Responsibilities Requirements Application Instructions: The application deadline is on 31st…
Job Title: Area Industrial Sales Manager, North West Roles and Responsibilities Reqiurements Application Instructions: The application deadline is no 29th…
Job Title: National Consultant Description The Objective of the AssignmentSpecific Objectives: Profile Requirements In addition, s/he is required to have:…
Job Title: Data Reviewer Description The objective of the assignmentSpecific Objectives Methodology:Data collection method: The audit will entail the following…
Job Title: Driver Job Description ResponsibilitiesSafely transport persons and goods (70%): Vehicle maintenance and checklist for field trips (20%): Security,…
Job Title: Bursar Responsibilities Qualifications and Experience Salary and Conditions of ServiceTenure: Conditions of Service: Application Instructions: The application deadline is…
Job Title: Director of Physical Planning, Works, and Maintenance Services Responsibilities Qualifications and Experience Salary and Conditions of Service Application Instructions:…
Job Title: Vice-Chancellor Job Description Qualities of the Applicant for the PostApplicants for the post of Vice-Chancellor must: Age of Applicants:…
Job Title: Area Collections Executive About the Role Resonsibilities Requirements What We Offer Application Instructions: The application deadline is Not…
Job Title: Relationship Manager, Retail Banking Activities Candidate Profile Application Instructions: The application deadline is 16th November, 2024.Therefore qualified and…
Job Title: State Project Manager Activities Candidate Profile Application Instructions: The application deadline is 29th October, 2024. Therefore qualified and…