7 Free Summer Programs for High School Students 2022 : Careersngr


7 Free Summer Programs for High School Students 2022

Filed in Choosing a School by on December 13, 2021 0 Comments

 If you are looking for a productive way to spend your summer, then summer programs are a great option. Summer is the best time for high schoolers to discover and develop new interests.


Through summer programs you will learn new skills and acquire knowledge, these new skills are not the only thing you will benefit from because attending summer programs will also be an added advantage to your CV.

A lot of competing colleges offer free summer programs for high school students. Some may come with a small admission fee that is relatively low but others are totally free.

Let’s get started.



Why You Should Attend a Summer Program:

It is really productive to engage in summer program activities as it enriches your academic experience and it also covers a variety of topics. It also allows you to explore your prospective career. During summer programs, you learn from positive role models who are already quite experienced and successful, you also get the opportunity to make new friends who share the same mindset as you. You can also develop new skills that will help you in college. You can also get more acquainted with college life before you formerly get admitted into college. These are some reasons why attending summer programs is important.

List of Free Summer Programs You Can Attend:

It is really exciting to spend your summer in summer programs, you will also experience life on a college campus, and explore new fields that you might also major in later in college. Below is a list of summer programs you can attend:

1. Annenberg Youth Academy For Media And Civic Engagement:

This is a three-week intensive summer academy that gives high school students a taste of college through freshman-level courses in media and journalism. 28 students were selected from areas surrounding the University of Southern California (USC) such as Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino county, Riverside county, and San Diego county to participate in the program.

Students will develop skills in public speech, debate, writing, critical thinking, ethnography, multiple media production and so much more. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about USC and meet the school scholars and interact with them. Due to the pandemic, Annenberg academy offers online courses so that its students will not miss out on anything, and its admission fee is totally free.

2. Penn state Business Opportunities Summer Session (BOSS):

BOSS is a one-week virtual program for high schoolers interested in pursuing a business education in college. It provides opportunities for students to take part in business fundamentals courses taught by Penn State faculty. It also prepares students for the admission process to Penn State University. It has a small admission fee of $50 and only students accepted by them pay this admission fee.

3. Carnegie Mellon University’s Summer Academy For Math And Science (SAMS):

 In this summer program, students are engaged in a rigorous curriculum taught by renowned faculty and staff who are deeply committed to the student’s success. The program allows students to develop a deeper understanding of areas like mathematics, biology, and physics. Students will also participate in a writing workshop with a focus on college application preparation, and will also participate and learn more about collaborative learning through group tutoring and academic coaching seasons. Carnegie Mellon University’s summer academy for math and science ranks in the top 25 mathematics schools in the USA and is also the second-best mathematics school in Pennsylvania. The admission fee is free for this summer program.

4. Computer Science for Cyber Security:

   This is a three-week full-day summer program providing an introduction to the fundamentals of cyber security and computer science at NYU’s Tandon School of engineering. They take in students who live in one of the five New York City boroughs or smaller neighboring cities such as Jersey City, Newark, or Hempstead, who have demonstrated interest in cyber security and are committed to the program. Their admission fee is totally free.

5. American Collegiate Adventures:

  This program provides the best pre-collegiate enrichment for 24 years. ACA offers 8 unique and amazing summer programs worldwide. They offer pictures of fun-filled weeks of education and adventure where you choose enriching courses and exciting activities based on your goals and interests, with action-packed weekends touring college campuses and also exploring legendary European capitals. You can also choose to learn a foreign language, participate in some community service, etc. They surely have something well suited for you.

6. Cornell University Curie Academy:

This is a week-long summer program at Cornell University for high school girls who excel in math and science who are interested in learning to engineer. Curie participants spend a week living on Cornell’s campus, working on research projects with Cornell engineering faculty, and of course, having a lot of fun too. Recent programs have been held online due to the pandemic. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale to be eligible to attend. You must also be a high school rising junior or senior and a young woman interested in learning to engineer.

7. Mathcamp:

 Mathcamp is held on different campuses each year and it lasts for five weeks. It is a highly selected program. The materials at the camp range from the beginning to the most advanced level of materials available to high school students. Some classes discuss topics in theoretical mathematics such as abstract algebra, topology, or real analysis. You get to choose which class you want to go to and how much math you want to do each day.

Conclusively, it is important to keep in mind that participating in any of these free summer programs does not guarantee admission into a selective university, but it is indeed an exciting way to spend your summer holiday.

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