Germany Travel Insurance - Requirements, Coverage and How to Buy : Careersngr


Germany Travel Insurance – Requirements, Coverage and How to Buy

Filed in Insurance by on December 19, 2021 0 Comments

Welcome to Information about the Germany Travel Insurance – Requirements, Coverage, and How to Buy page. If you are here to get How To Buy German Travel Insurance? then you’re at the right place.


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German Travel Health Insurance Requirements

Just as with German residents, temporary visitors in Germany also have to obtain health insurance coverage. Since Germany is a Schengen country, visitors have to get travel health insurance that’s in line with Schengen requirements.


As such, German travel health insurance must follow these specifications:

  • It must have a minimum coverage of at least €30,000 per person.
  • It must cover all other Schengen Area countries.
  • It must cover the entire duration of your stay as well as the transit.
  • It must cover any unexpected medical expenses such as urgent medical attention and/or emergency hospital treatment as well as repatriation.

Get USA Travel Insurance – See Requirements, Coverage, and Cost.

You can find a travel health insurance plan for Germany that fulfills all of the Schengen insurance requirements at Dr. Walter – PRO VISIT VISUM, which offers affordable plans for travelers who plan to stay in Germany.

What Does Germany Travel Insurance Cover?

What you want to be covered by your Germany travel insurance depends on the specific plan which you purchase, however, most plans offer coverage for the following:

  • Medical treatment. The amount of coverage depends on the specific plan. However, most Schengen travel insurance plans include doctor consultations, emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, prescription drugs and medicine, etc.
  • Cancellation, interruption, or curtailment of your trip. If for some reason, your trip is canceled or interrupted, you will be covered for any lost expenses related to travel and or accommodation. The company or travel insurance plan you choose decides which reasons are considered acceptable for reimbursement.
  • Missed flight. If you missed your flight due to no fault of your own (ie. the airline rescheduled or had a delay) the insurance company will cover any expenses related to it.
  • Repatriation of remains, in the case of death. (Overseas funeral expenses can also be included).
  • Lost, stolen, or damaged possessions.
  • Hijacking.

In most cases, Schengen travel health insurance does not cover:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Medical incidents as a result of alcohol consumption.
  • Accidents as a result of taking part in dangerous sports.
  • Pregnancy and maternity. Travel insurance plans do not cover expenses related to a normal pregnancy, such as giving birth, general check-ups, or morning sickness. There are plans that do cover complications of pregnancy.

You may be able to include coverage for some of the aforementioned situations (such as accidents due to dangerous sports or the acute onset of a pre-existing condition) if you pay extra.

How to Get German Travel Insurance?

You have to purchase Germany Schengen visa travel insurance from a private health insurance company. You can visit a local health insurance company in your country or you can purchase it online. You must make sure to find travel health insurance that is in line with Schengen visa requirements, as detailed above.

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