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Nigeria |
Posted 3 years ago |
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, through the Department of Climate Change in the Federal Ministry of Environment, invites applications from suitable candidates for the position below:
Job Title: Consultant – Elaboration of Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan Document
Location: Nigeria
Type Of The Contract: Individual Contract
Duration: 60 working days
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, through the Department of Climate Change in the Federal Ministry of Environment, has received a grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for a project to build capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in Nigeria. The grant Agreement have the UN Environment as the Delivery Partner for the project, with the role of supporting and overseeing the project implementation. The project entitled “Strengthening Nigeria’s Capacity to Advance the NAP Process” which was officially launched on the 2nd December 2021, will support Multi-Sectoral, medium to long term Adaptation planning and budgeting in Nigeria and promote the integration of climate change adaptation aspects into development planning processes and policies. Systems for developing and sharing climate risk and vulnerability information will be reinforced, and sustainable financing mechanism for Climate Change Adaptation initiatives are set to be developed.
Project Objectives
- The objective of this project is to formulate the Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with a focus on long term adaptation imestment and enhancing national capacity for integration of climate change adaptation in planning. budgeting and financial tracking processes.
- The project intends to engage the services of a qualified consultant to submit technical and financial proposals to carry out the following consultancy services
Objective of the Assignment
- The main objective of this consultancy is to prepare National Adaptation Plan (NAP) document for Nigeria based on assessments, studies and consultations done by the NAP project team, its national and international consultants and NAP key stakeholders
Under the direct supervision of the National Project Coordinator, and working in close coordination and collaboration with the Department of Climate Change, NAP team and its national and international consultants, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
Task 1: Annotated Outline Development:
- a. Review available NAP related documents and analyze their content with a view of informing the NAP document.
- Develop an annotated outline and chapter plan of the Nigeria NAP document (drawing on UNFCCC template and current NAPs available On UNFCCC NAP Central website), and a methodology for compiling the NAP document including timeline as part of an inception report.
- In consultation with NAP Team, identify information sources from available NAP related documents generated by the NAP project and other sources, as necessary, to inform the NAP document content.
- Assess whether any information and analysis gaps exist and liaise with the NAP Team and NAP Working Teams to remedy any information and analysis gape.
- Validate the annotated outline and chapter plan with NAP Team and key stakeholders (eg. Technical Working Group, etc.
Task 2: NAP Document Preparation:
- Collect and review all studies and reports developed through different NAP related studies by the NAP team, the Executing Agency and its partners, in particular on the findings from the climate vulnerability and risk assessments (VRA): the economic appraisal of adaptation strategies and final selection; as well as recommendations from other policy and legal review studies carried out for the NAP
- Work closely with national consultants on drafting the NAP document. Make work divisions in consultation with the NAP TEAM.
- Compile the draft NAP document (together with NAP TEAM and national consultants) ready for wider stakeholder consultation, while ensuring a focus on the rationale for dimate change adaptation, priority actions for adaptation and means of implementation including integration across national development policy, planning, budgeting and monitoring processes
- Propose methods and scope of consultations.
- Present draft NAP document, in collaboration with lead national consultant and NAP TEAM, to key stakeholders.
- Collate the feedback and comments received through the nationwide consultations and UNEP.
- Develop final edited NAP document (together with the NAPTEAM and national consultants).
- Develop one policy brief (6 pages max.) synthesizing the Nigeria’s NAP document for decision-makers
- Inception report that outlines the NAP document, elaborates the methodology for this preparation, outputs and timeline.
- Draft NAP document
- Final NAP document
- One Policy Brief (6 pages max) which synthesizes the NAP’s document for decision-makers.
Academic Qualifications
- At least Master’s Degree (Preferably PhD) in an Environmental Science, Climate Change, Development Studies, Law, Public Policy or a closely related field
- A minimum of 10 years relevant work experience at the international level in relation to climate change adaptation planning and policy, and integration of climate change into national development processes and sector policies and strategies.
- At least two previous similar axlenments related to coordinatine and drafting national climate related policies and/or action plans or strategies, and associated implementation, financing and monitoring strategies, preferably in a developing country context and within the region
- Demonstrated previous experience in leading and facilitating highlevel multi-stakeholder consultative processes to elaborate policies and programmes.
- Demonstrated previous experience in leading programmes and projects related to ecosystem-based adaptation, climate change! natural resource management, and/or monitoring and reporting of environment, climate and/or development policies and plans.
- Skills and experience to facilitate internet-based virtual meetings and stakeholder consultation processes
- Demonstrated ability of canvasing the government and stakeholders on innovations and idea based on the climate change projections
- Excellent written and oral communication skill in English is required.
Application Closing Date
28th July, 2022.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit Five (5) copies of their Proposals (Technical & Financial) in separate sealed envelopes, with the title of the Consultancy clearly marked at the back of the sealed envelope, to:
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project Secretariat,
Department of Climate Change, Green Building,
Federal Ministry of Environment,
Plot 444, Aguiyi-Ironsi Street,
Maitama, Abuja.
Note: All enquiries should be directed to: [email protected]
Job Features
Job Category | Consultancy Jobs |